That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

ver. 1.6

That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is


That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is - Article présentant une ambiguïté linguistique en anglais. L'article "That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is" sur Wikipédia en malais a 23.4 points pour la qualité (au 1 novembre 2023). L'article contient 3 références et 2 sections.

Dans cette version linguistique de Wikipédia, l'article est de la meilleure qualité. Cependant, la version linguistique la plus populaire de cet article est la langue anglais.

Depuis la création de l'article "That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is", son contenu a été rédigé par 1 utilisateurs enregistrés de Wikipédia en malais et édité par 115 utilisateurs Wikipédia enregistrés dans toutes les langues.

L'article est cité 2 fois dans Wikipédia en malais et cité 26 fois dans toutes les langues.

Le rang d’intérêt des auteurs le plus élevé depuis 2001:

  • Local (malais): n° 7367 en juin 2021
  • Mondial: n° 124019 en juin 2012

Le classement de popularité le plus élevé depuis 2008:

  • Local (malais): n° 48186 en juin 2021
  • Mondial: n° 69302 en octobre 2010

Il existe 12 versions linguistiques pour cet article dans la base de données WikiRank (sur les 55 éditions linguistiques Wikipédia considérées).

L'évaluation de la qualité et de la popularité est basée sur les dumps Wikipédia du 1 novembre 2023 (y compris l'historique des révisions et les pages vues des années précédentes).

Le tableau ci-dessous présente les versions linguistiques de l'article de la plus haute qualité.

Des langues de la plus haute qualité

#LangueNiveau de qualitéScore de qualité
1malais (ms)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
2coréen (ko)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
3anglais (en)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
4serbe (sr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
5indonésien (id)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
6portugais (pt)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
7japonais (ja)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
8chinois (zh)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
9français (fr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
10turc (tr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

Le tableau suivant présente les versions linguistiques les plus populaires de l'article.

Le plus populaire de tous les temps

Les versions linguistiques les plus populaires de l'article "That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is" dans tout le temps
#LanguePrix de popularitéPopularité relative
1anglais (en)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
1 121 635
2japonais (ja)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
132 615
3coréen (ko)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
30 827
4chinois (zh)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
22 963
5français (fr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
3 808
6hébreu (he)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
3 323
7portugais (pt)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
3 174
8turc (tr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
2 850
9indonésien (id)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
10serbe (sr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

Le tableau suivant présente les versions linguistiques de l'article le plus populaire au cours du mois dernier.

Les plus populaires en octobre 2023

Les versions linguistiques les plus populaires de l'article "That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is" en octobre 2023
#LanguePrix de popularitéPopularité relative
1anglais (en)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
3 502
2japonais (ja)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
3chinois (zh)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
4coréen (ko)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
5français (fr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
6portugais (pt)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
7hébreu (he)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
8indonésien (id)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
9turc (tr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
10malais (ms)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

Le tableau suivant présente les versions linguistiques de l'article présentant le plus grand intérêt des auteurs.

Le plus grand IA

Versions linguistiques de l'article "That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is" présentant le plus grand intérêt des auteurs. Seuls les utilisateurs enregistrés de Wikipédia ont été comptés.
#LangueProx de IAIA relatif
1anglais (en)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
2hébreu (he)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
3japonais (ja)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
4chinois (zh)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
5français (fr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
6coréen (ko)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
7indonésien (id)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
8portugais (pt)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
9turc (tr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
10malais (ms)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

Le tableau suivant montre les versions linguistiques de l'article ayant suscité le plus grand intérêt des auteurs au cours du mois dernier.

Le plus grand IA en octobre 2023

Versions linguistiques de l'article "That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is" présentant le plus grand intérêt des auteurs en octobre 2023
#LangueProx de IAIA relatif
1anglais (en)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
2français (fr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
3hébreu (he)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
4indonésien (id)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
5japonais (ja)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
6coréen (ko)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
7malais (ms)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
8portugais (pt)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
9serbe (sr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
10turc (tr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

Le tableau suivant présente les versions linguistiques de l'article avec le plus grand nombre de citations.

L'indice de citation le plus élevé

Versions linguistiques de l'article "That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is" avec l'indice de citation (IC) le plus élevé
#LanguePrix ​​de ICIC relatif
1anglais (en)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
2français (fr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
3hébreu (he)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
4japonais (ja)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
5indonésien (id)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
6coréen (ko)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
7malais (ms)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
8serbe (sr)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
9portugais (pt)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
10chinois (zh)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is


Valeur estimée pour Wikipédia:
Popularité en octobre 2023:
Popularité toutes les années:
Auteurs en octobre 2023:
Auteurs enregistrés en toutes années:

Mesures de qualité

Liens interlingues

That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

Tendances du classement de popularité

Meilleur rang malais:
n° 48186
n° 69302

Tendances du classement des IA

Meilleur rang malais:
n° 7367
n° 124019

Historique des IA rangs locaux

Comparaison des langues

Interconnexions mondiales importantes

Résultats cumulatifs de qualité et de popularité de l'article Wikipédia

Liste des articles Wikipédia dans différentes langues (en commençant par le plus populaire):

Actualités du 27 juillet 2024

Au 27 juillet 2024 sur Wikipédia multilingue, les internautes lisent le plus souvent des articles sur les thèmes suivants: Jeux olympiques d'été de 2024, Céline Dion, Jeux olympiques, Kamala Harris, syndrome de la personne raide, Deadpool and Wolverine, Jeux olympiques d'été de 2020, Aya Nakamura, Lady Gaga, Marie-Antoinette.

Sur Wikipédia en malais, les articles les plus populaires ce jour-là étaient: Siti Zaharah Sulaiman, Sukan Olimpik, Dedaun Hijau Di Angin Lalu, Kematian Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain, Sukan Olimpik Musim Panas 2024, Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia, Josiah Hogan, Malaysia di Sukan Olimpik, Malaysia di Sukan Olimpik Musim Panas 2024, Sarah Suhairi.

À propos du WikiRank

Le projet est destiné à l'évaluation relative automatique des articles dans les différentes versions linguistiques de Wikipédia. À l'heure actuelle, le service permet de comparer plus de 44 millions d'articles Wikipédia dans 55 langues. Les scores de qualité des articles sont basés sur les dumps Wikipédia de novembre 2023. Lors du calcul de la popularité actuelle et de l’intérêt des auteurs pour les articles, les données de octobre 2023 Pour les valeurs historiques de popularité et d’intérêt des auteurs, WikiRank a utilisé des données de 2001 à 2023... Plus d'information